I might as well introduce myself.
My name is Soyrwoo and I hail from Illinois, land of corn and soybeans. Currently, I'm 16 and attending high school in said land of corn and soybeans, though neither corn nor soybeans make up any notable portion of the curriculum.
I am an amateur photographer, sculptor, plushie-maker, and digital/traditional artist, mostly because I am not a professional. I use a wide range of mediums because I absolutely must try every one I find. That being said, I'm primarily a photographer.
It's quite difficult to procrastinate with photography.
As for this blog, I plan on using it to (hopefully) improve my writing and for art-related whatnot, though it'll probably end up being filled with ponderings, links to YouTube, and, almost definately, rants.
But I assure you: corn and soybeans will be kept to a minimum.
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