Friday, September 24, 2010

Something Fuzzy this Way Comes!

Halloween is coming up! Time to get your Halloween cards and Halloween T-shirts and Halloween socks!

Hazel-Lee modeled for a few shots on Wednesday, and we might do a few more Halloween photoshoots soon; I worked hard on that hat, you know. I still have to dig up my plastic cauldron and other holiday goodies. Maybe Jack Skellington will join in on the action as well.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What're They Teaching in School These Days?!

We watched this in my AP US History class:

But really.

The founding fathers were BAMFs.

They were real rebels and their nation, as they founded it, is still alive and kicking. And kicking pretty darn hard.

Take that, Lenin.

We Have to Find the Guardians!

In honor of the upcoming Guardians of Ga'Hoole movie, Legend of the Guardians: the Owls of Ga'Hoole, this post will be dedicated to owls. Owls, owls, of all shapes, sizes, and species.

Just over the weekend, I bought the last book and the first three books in the Ga'Hoole series to complete my set, as well as one of these mugs. The beige one. Isn't it just the cutest mug ever? :D

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yo Ho Ho!

ARR, it be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, mateys!
I'd be a-postin' some piratey art t'day if'n I 'ad any, but I don' so 'ere's a set o' piratey videos.

For those of ye impaired in pirate talk:

'N now fer some sea shanties!

'N summat else entirely...

Happy ITLAP Day!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Not Good Pets...

Hey, kids!
Guess what?

Wild animals don't make good pets.

It's perfectly understandable if you didn't know. It's not like Christian the lion managed to destroy his owners' home before they released him. It's not like magicians are killed by their performing tigers, pet chimpanzees kill their owners, or wolves attack children.



Exotic pets are never released into the wild, where they can destroy the ecosystem. No, overgrown pythons are not found in the Everglades and they don't eat the local wildlife, especially not alligators. Wild animals are never sent to pet shelters, where they can be euthanized immediately. No, wolfdogs are not put to death the moment they enter a rescue center.


That's preposterous.

It never, ever, EVER happens. Ever.

It's perfectly, completely, entirely understandable if you thought a wild animal might be a good pet.

You're just perfectly, completely, entirely wrong.

Not Good Pets shirt
Not Good Pets by soyrwoo
Browse more t-shirts designed online at zazzle

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Cutest Bison

Let's go walk,

Let's go walk,

I'm feeling good today!

Walking is my favorite thing,

Come on now, let's go!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


This here is my blog.

I might as well introduce myself.
My name is Soyrwoo and I hail from Illinois, land of corn and soybeans. Currently, I'm 16 and attending high school in said land of corn and soybeans, though neither corn nor soybeans make up any notable portion of the curriculum.

I am an amateur photographer, sculptor, plushie-maker, and digital/traditional artist, mostly because I am not a professional. I use a wide range of mediums because I absolutely must try every one I find. That being said, I'm primarily a photographer.
It's quite difficult to procrastinate with photography.

As for this blog, I plan on using it to (hopefully) improve my writing and for art-related whatnot, though it'll probably end up being filled with ponderings, links to YouTube, and, almost definately, rants.

But I assure you: corn and soybeans will be kept to a minimum.